Palatino Font Free

License: Personal Use Only!
Font Type: Free
Format: OTF, TTF
Total Files: 1


Palatino Serif is a classic, timeless font that has been used in print media since the 16th century. Palatino Font is now available for free online to make it easier than ever to add this classic typeface to your next document. The beautiful serif letterforms of Palatino have roots in Italian calligraphy from the time of Cicero. Its delicate aesthetic makes it ideal for creating a sense of elegance and authority when used properly.

Palatino Font Free

Palatino Font Free

Palatino font is one of the most popular and widely used fonts today. Today Palatino font is available for free to anyone who wishes to download it. This makes it accessible to both professionals and non-professionals alike. Thanks to its versatility and availability at no cost, Palatino is an ideal choice for anyone looking to create beautiful designs without breaking the bank.